New Orleans HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has announced that about 132 Head Start agencies charged with providing pre-school education for the poor will go through “redesignation.” Redesignation really means that they will lose their contracts and go through a rebidding process because they have been found deficient in some respect. Many of the deficiencies seem …
Tag: head start
We’re not Faith-Based and Thank the Lord for AGs!
New Orleans Comcast deigned to meet with representatives of Local 100 United Labor Unions in their offices in Houston on Monday. Once again they tried to slather the butter on the bread with stories of their “good intentions” about internet access for the poor. Once again they promised that they would get back to us. …
Comcast Using Deceptive Advertising, Bait-and-Switch
New Orleans Among other things Comcast provides internet service. As we have discussed previously, they promised to provide internet access to lower income families for $9.95 and connect the same families to a computer for $150. Comcast called the program Internet Essentials. They claim to be proud of it. We don’t know why? In Houston …