Jackson-Hewitt Figures Costs for Employers for State Refusals under Obamacare in Billions

ACORN Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Health Care

New Orleans  Credit to where credit is due, you have to give the devil his due, Jackson-Hewitt, the tax preparers, performed a public service in trying to calculate what businesses are going to have to pay, partially as a result of recalcitrant, Republican denials of full coverage protections under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and …

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Venal Politics of Ambition, Ideology, and Contributions Crippling Louisiana Healthcare

DC Politics Health Care

New Orleans  What often goes unsaid when the right pontificates and proselytizes about the wondrous benefits of privatization or public-private so-called “partnerships,” is the how much this is all simply a rationalization for personal ambition and the need to raise huge campaign contributions to fuel that fire. We see this now, painfully and almost daily, …

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