Ongoing Battle Against Predatory Payday Lenders

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Halifax   Payday lenders throughout out North America are both under attack and organizing fiercely to resist effective regulation. In the United States, Republican lawmakers nationally and in some states are being mobilized by payday lenders to pushback against the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) efforts to rollout regulations establishing minimum standards for payday lending. What …

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Payday Lending Regs, Good; Not Going Far Enough, Bad!

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

New Orleans      I was sitting next to an organizer from British Columbia while reading the reports on the new set of regulations being proposed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on payday lending.  We have fought payday lenders in Canada for over a decade and we’re batting over .500, but a long way from a …

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