Will the IRS Finally Stop Independent Subcontractor Scams?

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Houston           One of the largest and best known ways that workers are ripped off is known euphemistically as “classification,” meaning whether a worker is classified as an employee or an independent subcontractor.  The Department of Labor has largely failed to police this area effectively which has led to an accelerating rate of casual or contingent …

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The Co-Employer Fight at McDonald’s Searches for an Employer and a Strategy

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Labor Organizing

New Orleans       More than a thousand fast food workers rallied at a convention center near O’Hare Airport in Chicago in a boisterous, morale boosting event sponsored by the Service Employees International Union in the on-going campaign for a living wage. More interesting is the ongoing effort by the union to define the employer for many …

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Good Jobs Nation, 4C, and DOL Wage Determination Appeals

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Labor Organizing National Politics

New Orleans   One of the things I missed while on my work-cation in Montana was the emergence of a newish labor-backed workers advocacy organization called Good Jobs Nation.  The unions backing this play are SEIU, Teamsters, and the Farmworkers, all members of the Change To Win (C2W) federation, as was the UFCW, another supporter, until …

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