New Orleans Embedded in the current wrangling in Congress over the different versions of the tax bill is a small childcare credit. Depending on the report, it’s value might be around $1000, if it survives the horsetrading. Sadly, budget and tax estimates find that the benefits for lower income families are nil. Families with income …
Tag: Trump Administration
Anyone Who Claims to Know What’s In the New Tax Bill is Lying
Memphis In a frenzy of wheeling and dealing, the Republicans in the US Senate passed something called a tax bill that seems to have been a grab bag that certainly included taxes, but also was filled with a mixed assortment of body parts, wish lists, and IOUs that may or may not ever be able …
Sheriff Trump and Frontier Justice
New Orleans It is becoming increasingly clear that President Trump ran for the wrong office. He is failing as president, because it turns out that he didn’t really want to be president at all, not deep down anyway. Don’t get me wrong, he loves being president, but it’s hard work, lots of pressure, and not …