Buffalo There are conflicts and there are conflicts, some are real and some are optical, but the bigger concern is simply the corporatization of government, public and foreign policy. The old saying, thought to have long ago been rejected, of “What’s good for GM is good for the country,” and essentially in that order, …
Tag: Trump Administration
Back and Forth “Boycotts” in the Time of Twittering Trump
Little Rock LeBron James is a standup guy, and one heckuva ball player. The other day as the World Champion Cleveland Cavaliers traveled to play the New York Knicks, he claimed he wasn’t making a political statement, but exercising personal preference ,and declined to stay in a Trump branded hotel. Most of his teammates …
Path to Power with Trump: Billions or Bullets
Little Rock Wow! For all of us trying to keep up with the incoming Trump Administration every day is a roller-coaster ride. There are so many contradictions, I begin to wonder if even the biggest news outlets in the country are pushing real or fake news. Pick a day, any day, and the point is …