Progress on New Orleans Plan

ACORN Rebuild New Orleans

New Orleans The recovery czar, Ed Blakely, pirouetted importantly this week in New Orleans and revealed the 17 (not 15) areas where the City of New Orleans was committed to investing a billion dollars in focusing infrastructure improvements. Importantly, the largest single targeted investment was highlighted at $147,000,000 for the Lower 9th Ward. This is …

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Rising Inequity

Financial Justice Ideas and Issues

San Francisco        After two straight days of meetings of the Tides Network boards, including the Tides Foundation and the Tides Center, my head seemed to be spinning with numbers.  Nonetheless, it was arresting to see the results of the analysis by Professor Emmanuel Saez at UC-Berkeley and his colleague Professor Piketty of the Paris …

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Arguing Numbers


San Francisco Something called ANSWER was the organizer of the anti-war march in the Bay Area recently. The Chronicle allowed one of their representatives some space on the op-ed page of the paper the other day. I was curious in our search for an anti-war movement in America, what case they would argue. It was …

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