Buying, Rather than Building, Affordable Housing

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure

Ottawa   In one city after another we’re getting closer to winning landlord-leasing rules, some rent controls, and inclusionary zoning programs. But, even as victories come closer to hand, the scale of the need for affordable housing is overwhelming our capacity to deliver change. It is not that our eyes are bigger than our stomach anymore. …

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If PayPal Billionaire Thiel Wants to Fund More Lawsuits, Here’s a List

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Little Rock    Paul Thiel, the libertarian billionaire, co-founder of PayPal, board member of Facebook, and venture capitalist, Trump delegate, and Silicon Valley community leader, went public about the fact that he is the money bags behind the Hulk Hogan lawsuit that is trying to put the on-line scandal and news sheet, Gawker, out of business. …

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