Making the Case for Tenants’ Unions

ACORN International Affordability Housing Organizing Poverty Unions

            New Orleans       In Scotland, ACORN’s tenant union chants “The rent is bananas.”  Affordable housing is a global issue.  Some cities concoct schemes to maintain affordable housing and block second homes and Airbnbs, but most don’t.  Few actually break ground for affordable apartment complexes or create equitable zoning rules to allow them.  Minnesotans voted …

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Pressure on Rising Rents Not Just Landlord Greed

ACORN International Affordability Ideas and Issues

            New Orleans       Listening to ACORN members on their weekly conference calls during the pandemic, one of the hardest balancing acts centered on the rent freeze.  Don’t get me wrong, the rental freeze was a good thing.  People couldn’t work.  There was more month than money.  Tenants were already under pressure across the country …

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Another Strategy to Revive the Faded Dream of Homeownership

ACORN Affordability Financial Justice Housing Investments Memphis Milwaukee

            New Orleans      The US government says that in 2023, through various intermediaries, they will insure mortgages as up to one-million-dollars for the first time.  Wow, that’s a big number, way out of reach for most of our neighborhoods!  In low-and-moderate communities the issues are insuring mortgages, accessing loans, soaring interest rates, stringent deposit …

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