Only One Hand Clapping for FCC Expanded Lifeline Rule for Internet

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

New Orleans   FCC Chairmen Tom Wheeler claimed the decision to expand Lifeline programs from telephones to the internet was a major breakthrough in closing the digital divide. This was a 3-2 decision on party lines. The majority at the FCC claim that this broadening application of the subsidy will “help millions of low-income households connect …

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Making Inclusionary Zoning in the US, Canada, and United Kingdom Really Work

ACORN ACORN International Canada Ideas and Issues

Little Rock   In New York City recently there was some guarded optimism among affordable housing advocates when the City Council passed modifications requested by Mayor Bill De Blasio to improve the inclusionary zoning requirements. The new rules would hold developers responsible for providing 20 to 30% of all units as affordable housing to families …

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