Labor’s Depressing Data and the Contradictions Lying in Our Huge Potential

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice International Labor Organizing

New Orleans    Over the last week I found it hard and frustrating to come up with a coherent picture of the current predicament of the labor movement both here and yon. Talking to a long tenured colleague at the Change to Win federation in the USA, my brother remarked soberly that private sector union density …

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Noting ACORN Victories While Congress Still Delivers the Low Blows

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Ideas and Issues National Politics

New Orleans   Fresh from a great meeting celebrating ACORN’s year in Canada, as we got into the cars to go catch up with the latest news of a community organizing project in Homestead, across the river from Pittsburgh, one of the ACORN organizers in Canada asked if I had seen the front page of the …

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