The Toronto Star Supports ACORN’s Digital Access Opportunity Campaign

ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

New Orleans               In a Canada-wide day of action, ACORN used the occasion of children heading back to school to hit the major, monopoly internet companies, demanding low cost access to internet.   The Toronto Star editorially supported the campaign, and their arguments were excellent, which I’ll share. Breaking down the digital divide for lower-income families: Editorial …

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Walmart Business Model Crashing and the False Claims of Foreign Direct Investment

ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice International Labor Organizing Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsKiln     Walmart may be the largest company in the United States in terms of gross sales, but mounting evidence indicates that its business model is collapsing.  The company seems in a near state of panic as return on investment dips and quarterly returns drag consecutively lower.  In …

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