New Orleans Payday lenders could not operate without the collaboration of the big money center banks. They are financiers providing the dollars being lent in predatory fashion to desperate lower income families. They are also the loan collectors by facilitating drafting from borrowers’ accounts to service the loans for the payday lenders, sometimes on multiple …
Category: Canada
Visas for Temporary Workers are a Huge Issue…in Canada
Calgary Walking this morning, light snow was still sticking to the embankments along the curbside and puddles had a thin sheet ice, as spring was coming late to the northern Rockies. Calgary continues to be an oil rich boomtown with population now surpassing a million people with low unemployment throughout the province of Alberta, the …
Wealth Tax
New Orleans There was an interesting piece in the Times, buried in the business section that pointed out pretty clearly that real money to achieve more equity in countries like the USA has to do with taxing wealth not just income. I can remember clearly our effort in Arkansas in the middle 1970’s to maintain a …