Is the Military the Last Stronghold of US Institutional Values?

DC Politics Economics History

            New Orleans     We have an extended family WhatsApp group, as many families have.  These things are a hodgepodge of advice and, usually, good will, attempts at humor, sports talk, birthday greetings, atta-boys, and occasional light controversy. Did I mention a LOT of advice!  It’s a great thing, especially for the brothers and siters with children and outlaws like …

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Loose Ends at Year End

ACORN International Community Organizations International Community Organizing Economics Human Rights International

 Marble Falls     The end of every year always finds me with contradictory feelings, and I don’t think that’s something that just happens to me.  On one hand, I’m ready for a new year.  There’s excitement over new projects, a clean slate, a quick restart after the slow walk of the last year’s passing.  On the other hand, there are …

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