Spanish Banks Move to Freeze Foreclosures Sounds like a Plan!

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure

New Orleans   Watching the banks back track and squirm in Spain over foreclosures that ended in several well-publicized suicides that are now roiling the political establishment in that country is a good lesson in how financial institutions can actually be moved when political will begins to coalesce.   In the USA we certainly do not seek …

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Foreclosure Settlement Fund Diversions are a Scandal except in Ohio

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure Organizing

New Orleans   It is hard for me to believe that the Obama Administration will not finally address relief for the millions of homeowners facing foreclosure and are underwater across the country.  The slightly improving market for housing should help trigger some change, though many banks will no doubt continue kicking and dragging.  The relief …

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What we get from the Victory: Immigration, Wage Action, Student Loans, Infrastructure, Etc

DC Politics Financial Justice Foreclosure Health Care Immigration Reform National Politics

New Orleans     We had this, and I’m with Nate Silver of the 538 column and blog of the Times: this was not “too close to call” unless we got rid of the Electoral College and didn’t tell anyone. Watching Obama win every single battleground state except North Carolina, pretty much cheek and jowl with all …

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