Asuncion Yan Speranza, the Executive Director of the Fundacion Moises Bertoni, is a live wire. When he rose from his chair, he seemed to be jumping up from it. When he decided at the beginning of our early morning meeting to show a power point presentation about the fundacion and its work, he almost ran …
Category: Organizers Forum
Life and Learning on the Farm in Paraguay
Asuncion When talking to Martin Burt of Fundacion Paraguaya, it doesn’t take long before he brings up the subject of “agricultural high schools.” Only an hour outside of the capital, the Organizers’ Forum delegation committed to a visit one afternoon. Arriving we came to grip with the backstory behind the school. The buildings for the …
Fundacion Paraguaya, Social Enterprise and the Poverty Stoplight
Asuncion Our first successful contacts in Asuncion were with the Fundacion Paraguaya. After weeks of sending emails without answer and puzzling over our problems, Martin Burt, the Executive Director of the Fundacion immediately answered my email, and almost as quickly we were having a lengthy Skype call, and he was offering his help, including the …