Housing, Street Sellers, Rif Protests, and Political Prisoners

ACORN ACORN International Community Organizing Ideas and Issues International Organizers Forum Organizing

Casablanca  We could almost say this was an “easy” day for the Organizers’ Forum, because we finished earlier than usual, but we packed it full. We started talking at length to an organizer-activist about the organizing of a housing committee to protect against evictions and displacements of lower income families, many of whom had traditionally …

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Making Big Plans for Expanding Organizing in Africa

ACORN International International Organizers Forum Organizing

Douala   After six straight days of meetings, almost nonstop, for the Organizers’ Forum in Cameroon, we spent the last two days in critically serious conversations with all of the ACORN-allied organizers and organizations in attendance including ACORN Kenya on Skype until there was a power outage in Nairobi. It was a historic meeting for all …

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