Nairobi Flying to Nairobi takes forever. Seems to be no way around that fact, and despite email, Skype, digital pictures, and ubiquitous cell phones, anything nearly 5000 miles away is hard to hold firm in the hands. The work is slippery, no matter how hard applied, and there’s still nothing better than going out and …
Category: Personal Writings
O’Keefe Never Dressed as Pimp, Breitbart Cover-up
Dallas James O’Keefe never dressed in his racist, caricature pimp suit in an ACORN or ACORN Housing office. This has been an under-the-radar dispute for more than six months, largely because it fades in importance compared to the errors a small number of workers were trapped into making. But, with the new attention on O’Keefe …
Secret Society for Creative Philanthropy
New Orleans All of the surveys indicate that regular folks…working people and even poor people are much more generous as personal philanthropists that the rich. The rich get the tax exemption and their names on the buildings, but basically the rest of us somehow enrich life itself for real people. A story in the Times …