New Orleans The President of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) is one of the most quotable and recognizable figures in public life in Canada. Besides running the largest private sector union with more than 250,000 members, Buzz Hargrove is one of those rare forces of nature that come into organizations from time to time and …
Category: Rebuild New Orleans
HUD Hoax?
New Orleans The 29th is the one-year anniversary of the Age of Katrina in New Orleans. Nothing will ever be the same, not really, in this city from that date forward. There are a million and one events both solemn and profane memorializing the storm. I can hardly wait for tomorrow to get back to …
Fighting to Comeback on all Fronts
New Orleans New Orleans ACORN won again late Friday after a grueling and seemingly interminable City Council meeting when the Council voted to extend the controversial “gutting deadline” which had been stuck on the Katrina Anniversary, August 29th. After a long public fight and some sharp elbows inside, ACORN got the Council to vote 7-0 …