Attacks on Fair Housing and Affordable Housing Demands

ACORN Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Ideas and Issues

New Orleans    Talking on “Wade’s World” on KABF with George Washington University sociology professor and frequent author, Gregory Squires, about his recent piece in Social Policy on the impact of the Occupy movement, he underlined his concern that the “disparate impact” theory is under review in the term of the US Supreme Court and the …

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Inclusionary but Unaffordable “Affordable” Housing in London

ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice International

London     In the dark days of neo-liberalism when cities and states are embracing private developers to impact their profound public responsibilities to provide decent and adequate housing for families regardless of income the whole notion of so-called “affordable” housing seems to have been left in the rubbish at the construction site.  Where recently we thought …

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