Mumbai Vinod Shetty, ACORN India’s Director, and I had been meeting for hours along Juhu Road at the Sip ‘N Munch going through our work list of what needed to be done on campaigns around remittances, the Commonwealth Games, and multi-national food contractors and their labor law violations. We had discussed the great progress …
Tag: affordable housing
Memphis Giveaways to Developers
Memphis Even though I wasn’t speaking at the University of Memphis about Citizen Wealth until Monday evening, it was worth flying in the predawn on Sunday to be able to take advantage of Professor Ken Reardon’s offer to meet with twenty community leaders who wanted to talk over dinner about how to push Memphis to …
Suburban Affordable Housing Breakthrough
Dauphine Island Westchester County, the affluent suburb outside of New York City, finally had to concede the obvious and admit that they had had not only allowed, but done nothing to prevent the creation of lily white communities throughout the County, and this amounts to racial segregation. They agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by …