Housing, Street Sellers, Rif Protests, and Political Prisoners

ACORN ACORN International Community Organizing Ideas and Issues International Organizers Forum Organizing

Casablanca  We could almost say this was an “easy” day for the Organizers’ Forum, because we finished earlier than usual, but we packed it full. We started talking at length to an organizer-activist about the organizing of a housing committee to protect against evictions and displacements of lower income families, many of whom had traditionally …

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Repression is Real for Political Activists in Morocco

ACORN International Community Organizing International Organizing

Casablanca   Ok, sure, we’ve seen worse on other Organizer Forum visits to various countries around the world. Certainly, when part of our delegation was meeting with one of the presidential candidates in Cariro, Egypt, nine months after the beginning of events in Tahrir Square, and the state police busted in and tried to forbid the …

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