Making an Organizing Plan for a Domestic Workers Association in Morocco

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice International

Grenoble One of my more exciting and interesting tasks during my week of working in France with ACORN’s affiliate, Alliance Citoyenne, and our partner, ReAct, was spending hours of speculation on how we would make an organizing plan to build an association of domestic workers, including heavily exploited migrants, in Morocco. This work never gets …

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With Project React, the Citizens Alliance Follows Members to Africa

ACORN International Community Organizing International Organizer Training Organizing

Bristol        Meetings with the Alliance Citoyenne organizers broke for a couple of hours of sleep, and then plowed on against the clock.  The morning was gray in Paris and cooler after an amazingly warm and clear Indian summer afternoon the previous day, so there was no temptation not to hue to the plan.  The conversation was …

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