No One Regulating Remittances

ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

 Toronto            Preparing to meet with the ACORN International “intern army,” as I call them, at George Brown College today, I couldn’t help but laugh while using the Starbucks internet (thanks, fellas!) when I read that Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase was over at Davos complaining about “banker bashing” and France’s President Sarkozy was forced …

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ACORN International Launches Remittance Justice Campaign

ACORN International Community Organizing International

Phoenix In Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, and Hamilton ACORN International and ACORN Canada joined today to dramatically step up the international campaign to achieve improved access and fair pricing for remittances from immigrant families and their relatives in their home countries. Today in Toronto Kay Bisnah, President of ACORN International, also unveiled an extensive report underpinning …

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