Ushahidi, the White African, and the Power Tools for Community Organizations

ACORN International Community Organizing International Remittances

Nairobi We met the future, and it is us! Ok, calm down, it’s not that easy, and it will take awhile to get there, but my Paladin Partner, Drummond Pike, the ACORN Kenya staff, Sammy and David, ACORN Canada’s Judy Duncan, and me sat down with Erik Hersman (@whiteafrican) of Ushadhidi, an amazing tech nonprofit …

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Korogocho, Education, and the Bursary Campaign

ACORN International Community Organizing Education International

Nairobi The ACORN Kenya community organizers, Sammy Ndirangu and David Musungu, met Judy Duncan, head organizer of ACORN Canada, Drummond Pike formerly of Tides and now colleague at Paladin Partners, and me just outside of the Korogocho mega-slum at 350,000 people, the 2nd largest in Nairobi after the more famous Kibera.   We were to meet …

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Sorry, Glenn, the Organizers’ Forum Dialogues are Only for Organizers!

ACORN International Community Organizing International Organizer Training Organizing

New York City After a long day of meetings in the big city, I got back to my priceline special in Chinatown on the Bowery to find a curious email from a conservative blogger asking me about the date of posting for the Organizers’ Forum announcements on the home page I wasn’t sure what …

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