Is Head Start Obama’s “No Child Left Behind?”

Education Labor Organizing

New Orleans   HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has announced that about 132 Head Start agencies charged with providing pre-school education for the poor will go through “redesignation.”  Redesignation really means that they will lose their contracts and go through a rebidding process because they have been found deficient in some respect.  Many of the deficiencies seem …

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Citizen Participation in Paterno and Banks Settle for Billions On Small Foreclosure Aid

ACORN International Community Organizing International

Paterno    Every place is different whether town or country, but there’s something about waiting for a meeting to start in many countries that always feels the same.  My presentation in Paterno before the members of La Citta civic movement and many others who had been invited was scheduled for 7 pm.  I had been warned …

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