Pittsburgh When someone is elected president, they used to actually believe the words their speechwriters would scribble on the line that they were the president of all of the people in America. It is becoming clearer under the Trump Administration that even though he and the White House might parrot those words, they clearly no …
Tag: Trump Administration
Bannon and Conway: Part of a Movement, Just Not Ours!
New Orleans I’ve come to a conclusion that has been obvious in many ways, but I was refusing to recognize it probably because I was still in denial at some level. Unbelievably, I, along with probably a gazillion others, have been waiting for the evil axis of Stephen Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to explode and …
Healthcare Lives Another Day, but Does Trump Have a Way to Win?
New Orleans The Trump Tower has now been reduced to rubble. Ryan’s House is a shambles. Obamacare is now with us “for the foreseeable future,” according to the Speaker. Right now the Affordable Care Act is better than nothing, but it could be nothing better. The best news of the Trumpcare debacle and the inability …