New Orleans Depending on what papers you read, you might have seen a picture of President Trump meeting with business executives or on the other hand a picture of him meeting with union leaders. All of the pictures featured grinning, older white men in nice suits, so please read the captions carefully so you …
Tag: Trump Administration
Steadfast Marchers
New Orleans Organizers of the sister march in New Orleans said that 10,000 people were in attendance. The crowd was large enough that people were still leaving Washington Square on Elysian Fields Avenue at the same time they were arriving in Duncan Plaza, a distance of almost two miles. Of course New Orleans was small …
Corporations May be Buying Trump Late, but They’re Buying Big Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans Pinch yourself and snap out of it. The day has finally come no matter how much you lived in dread and denial. By noon, Donald J. Trump will be President, and Barack Obama will be out on the street like the rest of us. …