Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans The other day activists associated with Stay Woke, We Are the Protestors, Campaign Zero, and much of the Black Lives Matter movement among other groups, released something that they called the Resistance Manual. The manual was described in the Huffington Post as “an open-source platform …
Tag: Trump Administration
Women’s March on Washington Has Stepped Up to a Strong Platform
New Orleans More numbers have started to roll in on the delegations coming from the states to the Women’s March on Washington the Saturday after the Inauguration. Two thousand have signed up from Texas, three hundred from Arkansas, and twelve hundred from Louisiana. A story in my local paper had a picture of women making …
Are There Grounds for Hope in Cabinet Nominees Policy Differences with Trump?
Little Rock Reading the headlines or listening to the news, reporters seem to be grasping at every opportunity to point out a policy difference between Trump nominees and Trump himself. Some go so far as to speculate that there will be contention and chaos in the Cabinet on important policy issues like immigration or spying …