Seeing Roya Firsthand In the Coffee Fincas of Matagalpa with COOMPROCOM

Citizen Wealth Coffee Financial Justice International Organizers Forum Organizing

Managua          We rolled out at dawn for Matagalpa with Managua stirring all around us as the city waited on corners for buses to work. In two and a half hours ,we were rolling up the narrow streets and steep hills looking for the gas station near the Centro, which was our landmark, in a journey …

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Coffee Rust Worse Problem for Border and Coffee Drinkers than Reported

ACORN International Coffee

New Orleans        Sometimes you know it’s bad, but you still haven’t wrapped your mind around the full ripple effects of how bad it might be. Focusing on the immigration crisis for children and families at the Mexico-United States border, I have concentrated on the problems we knew were coming from communities organized by ACORN International, …

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