Does Former SEIU President Andy Stern Really Advocate Labor Law Waivers?

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Labor Organizing Organizing

New Orleans   I know Jay Youngdahl, as an old friend and comrade, dating back to his father, H-1B visa lawyer Chris Colavecchio, when he introduced us in the early 1970s. Our building on Main Street in Little Rock, and the home of KABF radio and ACORN for years, was once the old Youngdahl law offices. …

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Union-backed Walmart and McDonalds’ Campaigns Face Uncertain Futures

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Ideas and Issues Labor Organizing Organizing

New Orleans    The emperor with no clothes is not a pretty sight, and it’s almost as bad when the finger pointing at him is Dave Jamieson, a labor reporter for the Huffington Post in a piece entitled “Labor Groups are Taking on Walmart and McDonalds. But Who Will Fund the Fight?” I don’t have anything …

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