Hilary Running or Not, Low Income College Students, Tax Numbers, & Sequestered Housing Vouchers

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Health Care National Politics

New Orleans   Rain chased us all the way through southern Arkansas and into northern Louisiana until Tallulah, a small town at the gateway to I-20 named after the a girlfriend of a railroad engineer that may not have made it to marriage, but achieved some permanence as a way station along the tracks.  Waking up in …

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Voter Suppression Conspiracy Hounds Howling at the Moon

ACORN DC Politics National Politics Organizing Voting Rights

Little Rock  Nationally President Obama announced the formation of a panel that would convene for 6-months to look at the voting system in the United States in order to see if lines could be shorted and voting could be made less burdensome.  Meanwhile back at the ranch, a simple majority is enough to overturn a governor’s …

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