Hospital Unaccountability Extends to Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases

Health Care Ideas and Issues

San Francisco     The Affordable Care Act has given health consumers, also known frequently as patients, more significant advances in transparency and information about hospitals and doctors. Medical records are being digitized and becoming accessible. Information is being made public on doctors, exposing some have Medicare mills. It appears the public is getting closer to being …

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Activism Humor Close to the Bone

Ideas and Issues

New Orleans   In recent years there seems to be a small cottage industry of novelists mining the left, activism, and the sixties, especially the flirtations with violence in their work: Dissident Gardens by Jonathan Lethem, True Believers by Kurt Andersen, and Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner are among them. And, yes, I read them all with …

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Union Leaders Concerned about Schools, Wages, and Medical Debt

Citizen Wealth Community Organizing Education Financial Justice Health Care Ideas and Issues Labor Organizing

Little Rock    When the forty leaders at the 34th Annual Local 100 Leadership Conference, held this year in Little Rock, were asked how many  of them were carrying medical debt, more than half of the hands in the  room went up.  When asked how many had family, friends, or neighbors  dealing with the burden of …

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