Milwaukee Amani United, like a butterfly trying to emerge from a cocoon, is an embryonic organization attempting to emerge from its status as a project of a larger organization into a membership, resident-led organization that can spread its own wings and fly. On this point everyone agrees, including the leadership core of Amani United and …
Category: ACORN
An Organizer Looks at the Yellow Vest Movement in France
Chicago There’s a lot of interest in the Yellow Vest movement in France. Because ACORN has an affiliate there, we’re often asked what is really going on. Yoan Pinaud, out head organizer in Aubervilliers for the Alliance Citoyenne ACORN, has been following the events closely and talked to many of the participants. We asked him to …
The Challenges of Organizing Gig Workers
When we think about organizing precarious “gig” workers, the task seems biblical. The workers may be ready, or not, but the spirit and the flesh are weak. We all bemoan the rise of gig workers. Low pay, few hours, no benefits are some of them, worsened by the uncertainty of a position where you can …