ACORN Canada Leadership Plans Its Next Moves

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Community Organizing Financial Justice

Ottawa   The annual general meeting and board gathering for ACORN Canada’s leadership convened on the eve of the organization’s biennial convention in Ottawa at the University of Ottawa this year. While ticking off the legal requirements, signing minutes, audit reports, and other requirements of the Canadian Societies Act, the board found much to celebrate. The …

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Alternative Mortgage Lending Tiptoeing Around a Broker-based Implosion – Again!

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure

New Orleans   In the 2008 Great Recession, fingers pointed wildly in all directions and in some cases in little Taliban caves around the country they are still doing so, and trying to play the blame game at the expense of the victims. One of the more troubling terms to emerge from those terrible days …

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Temporary Employment Agency Workers are Organizing in Montreal

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Labor Organizing Organizing

Montreal   While in Quebec with the ACORN Canada head organizers, several of us stopped by to meet with our friends and partners at the Immigrant Workers’ Center in Montreal. We talked to Eric Shragge, president of the board, and longtime activist and academic as well as other long time staffers. In addition to the work …

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