The “Venmo Line” and Moving Cash More Cheaply

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Remittances

New Orleans     We are making progress on our Remittance Justice Campaign. A federal bill has now been introduced in Canada to cap fees and other costs at 5%. Provincial bills have now been introduced in British Columbia and Ontario. Reports from Honduras indicated that there is movement in Tegucigalpa at capping the fees finally. A …

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ACORN Demands the Bank of Montreal Stop Predatory Practices

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Ideas and Issues

Montreal       As the ACORN members lined up in Victoria Square in the downtown business district of historic Montreal, you could hear their chants for blocks as they cried: “predatory lender, criminal offender.” First, they stopped briefly to deliver a letter demanding that the telcom, Videotron, owned by Quebecor, provide “internet for all” through a low …

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