Payday Lending Regs, Good; Not Going Far Enough, Bad!

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

New Orleans      I was sitting next to an organizer from British Columbia while reading the reports on the new set of regulations being proposed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on payday lending.  We have fought payday lenders in Canada for over a decade and we’re batting over .500, but a long way from a …

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Vancouver Rent Bank

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Gatineau, Canada       There may have been snow on the ground and freezing temperatures, but the ACORN Canada staff’s spring planning and training meeting was in full bloom in Gatineau, Quebec, the sister city across the river from Ottawa, Ontario.  Several of the ACORN British Columbia organizers in their reports to start the sessions mentioned in …

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