A Victory for the Poor is Still Possible At Least in British Columbia

ACORN ACORN International Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Organizing

New Orleans        There are no good times to be poor, but these are especially hard times given persistent inequality and distorted public policies that throw a couple of nickels towards lower income families while opening the gateway to millions for those with big money.  All of which makes the ACORN victory in what might have seemed …

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Attacks on Fair Housing and Affordable Housing Demands

ACORN Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Ideas and Issues

New Orleans    Talking on “Wade’s World” on KABF with George Washington University sociology professor and frequent author, Gregory Squires, about his recent piece in Social Policy on the impact of the Occupy movement, he underlined his concern that the “disparate impact” theory is under review in the term of the US Supreme Court and the …

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Progress on Payday Lending and the Digital Divide in Canada

ACORN International Canada

Chicago     Like clockwork the ACORN Canada staff continues the tradition of mid-December YE/YB or Year End / Year Begin meetings.  Getting snowbound in Montreal one year and caught again another year in Niagara Falls, convinced them that perhaps meeting in the USA made sense, given that plane fares was actually cheaper.  Several years ago we …

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