The Open Door to Accelerating “Majority” Unionization in Canada

Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Labor Organizing Organizing

Edinburgh   When we’re not practicing “raps,” and strategizing about the best way forward in the Leith neighborhood of Edinburgh for ACORN Scotland, I’ve been thinking about the interesting features of the labor law in the United Kingdom that allow workers to build unions and win consultation rights with employers prior to achieving majorities that would …

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Tenant Health Protections Need to be Equivalent to Health Protections

ACORN Canada Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Bristol   As ACORN International organizers from Rome, Prague, Edinburgh, Bristol, Toronto, Vancouver, London, and the USA shared stories of issues, campaigns, and tactics in our annual meeting a surprising issue with global connections has begun occupying more and more of our conversations, beginning to crowd into time normally devoted to the cost of remittances and …

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Proving Registration and GOTV Work for Lower Income Voters Once Again

ACORN ACORN International Canada Organizing

Vancouver       It’s that time of the cycle.  Reporters are riding from paper to television shouting the warnings:  the elections are coming! the elections are coming! the elections are coming!  Time to hide the small children it seems.  And, of course do everything possible to suppress the participation of lower income voters.             At the ACORN Canada board meeting, head organizer Judy …

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