O’Keefe Payday, Bo’s Dog, Firedoglake, Upfront Credit Card Fees, and Cape Breton Slumlords

ACORN ACORN International Canada

New Orleans    News you need to nose. In a affidavit produced in court in San Diego brought by a former ACORN Housing Corporation employee fired as part of the James O’Keefe / Hannah Giles fake prostitution video scam, O’Keefe under oath was finally forced to reveal the financial arrangement between them and Andrew Brietbart and …

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Civic Footprint

Canada Ideas and Issues

New Orleans  Here’s an interesting idea worth some thought:  creating and measuring a civic footprint. I had an interesting meeting on Saturday (www.mylifecity.com) about the “green footprint” of the coffeehouse, which involves everything from measuring carbon usage, utility utilization, composting, and whatnot.  On Sunday at an all-baristas meeting at Fair Grinds , I listened to …

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