Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsPearl River Waking in the predawn I found a wonderful and moving email in my in-box from two brothers and comrades in our shared organizing trade and mission, Mike Gallagher and Keith Kelleher. Mike sent along a poem he had written about the amazing Geneva Evans, an …
Category: Financial Justice
Ripple Effects on Remittances Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans One thing leads to another. Easy to say, but hard to endure, especially when it comes to the economic damage that keeps spreading from the pandemic shutdowns. This is the real trickledown economics, and it’s not a good thing. In this case, I’m talking …
Working Remotely and Moving On Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsPearl River There’s no consensus among the middle class and professionals. Do they like working remotely from home or are they suffering from cabin fever? One story after another in the media argues different sides of the case. On the one hand there are suggestions of movies, …