Middle Class, Walmart Lies, Too Big to Indict or Fail, Altruism, and Stress

ACORN International Citizen Wealth DC Politics Financial Justice Foreclosure Ideas and Issues WalMart

New Orleans    You wouldn’t believe it, if it weren’t true! Second Walmart Supplier Found in Bangladesh Fire Tragedy:  Steven Greenhouse, NYT Scott Nova, executive director, of the Worker Rights Consortium, said the new documents raised additional questions about Walmart’s role at the factor.  ‘If Walmart’s claim that they were the victim of one rouge supplier …

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Governments and Housing: Mortgage Reform in the US and Formalization in Quito Norte

ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure International Organizing

Quito     Housing was on my mind. I spent hours yesterday in a pickup riding the steep roads and byways of Quito Norte with our team and local barrio leaders in the area, four up front and three in the back.  We traveled more than a dozen kilometers up, down and around the mountain sides, often with …

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