Purging Voters in the Battleground States

ACORN International Democracy Elections Labor Neighbor Voting

            New Orleans      Since 2019, the Voter Purge Project, a partnership between ACORN International, Labor Neighbor Research & Training Center, and the Ohio Voter Project, have embraced the tedious, but essential, task of processing the pure voter lists produced by election officials around the country and distributed by Secretaries of State.  At this point, …

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Predatory Practices of Nonprofit Hospitals

ACORN International Financial Justice Health Care Labor Neighbor Local 100 United Labor Unions

            Pearl River     We keep beating this drum, over and over.  Nonprofit, tax-exempt hospitals are supposed to provide charity care to justify the fact that they do not have to pay federal taxes.  This benefit is worth billions for some hospital chains and is always a boon to any nonprofit hospital.  The Affordable Care Act …

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