Asuncion Our last day in Asuncion was typical of those for past Organizing Forum delegations. We were only in-country for a week, and now, as our clock wound down and the airlines were calling. we had discovered other groups, neighborhoods and projects that we would have loved to visit and meet, but only learned about …
Category: Organizers Forum
Redevelopment, Resettlement, and the Right to the City Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsAsuncion There are more than 500,000 people living in the Asuncion, the capital and largest city in Paraguay, with 30% of the country’s population located in the metro area. In meetings with Habitat Paraguay, Banco Alimentos, and Oxfam Paraguay we heard a lot about the challenges …
Labor Unions Struggling to Find Their Place in Paraguay
Asuncion The headquarters of the Confederacion Paraguaya de Trabajadores or CPT is located on a gritty street near central Asuncion named after an historic colonial general named Yergos. The imposing brick wall on the corner of the street hosts a small plaque that commemorates the location as the home of the federation. Walking through the …