More Battles in the Walmart Wars: Florida, Strikes, and Delhi

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice WalMart

New Orleans    The war room in Bentonville must be on 24 hour Def-con 4 alert these days, given the steady back and forth of advances, feints, and setbacks due to its “profits first, workers last” mantra that is a foundation of its standard operating procedures.             The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) after waiting for …

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Informal Workers: When No One Watching, No One Cares – Walmart & Domestics

Labor Organizing Organizing WalMart

New Orleans  In the modern workforce economy of informal workers, contingent employees, and endless layers of subcontracting, both domestically and internationally, the obvious conclusion is that when no one is watching, no one cares, and, perhaps worse, no one is ever accountable.  This is not just a “race to the bottom,” but deliberate strategies to …

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