Blockadia May Not Be a Place, but Could be a Tactic Everywhere

Community Organizing Ideas and Issues Immigration Reform Organizing

New Orleans   I read Naomi Klein’s book, This Changes Everything, in November 2014, but had forgotten her notion of “blockadia” until I was listening recently to the Bioneers broadcast on KABF following our new public affairs show last week. She was giving a speech to their convention along with other Canadian activists. She was trying …

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Report from Behind the Bunker, that What We’re Doing is Working

Citizen Wealth Community Organizing Financial Justice Immigration Reform Organizing

New Orleans   There’s no reason to get the big head. It’ll be a long four years. Or longer. Eventually, they’ll get this right or at least righter. Nonetheless, there’s some evidence that we, the big WE, the collective we of all progressive Americans and maybe more, including those who are not progressive but at least …

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