Walmart: Black Friday, Open-Source Protests, Hot Shops, and Real Trouble in India

ACORN International Financial Justice International Labor Organizing Organizing WalMart

New Orleans   “…every battle is won before it is fought.  And it is won by choosing the field of terrain on which the fight will be engaged.” Sun Tzu Now that the UFCW national action day at Walmart has gone past its Black Friday expiration day, we can say pretty definitively, and largely without …

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Convicting Corporate Criminals: British Petroleum and Walmart

ACORN International International WalMart

New Orleans    US-Attorney General Eric Holder was in New Orleans yesterday to announce a $4.5 billion settlement with British Petroleum on criminal charges.  It isn’t easy in this country to convict corporations of criminality, all evidence to the contrary, so having them plead out to their obvious culpability in the environmental and human tragedy caused …

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Finally Real Hope for Homeowners Facing Foreclosure…in Ireland!

Citizen Wealth DC Politics Financial Justice Foreclosure Ideas and Issues International

Quito   Last night sitting in Casa Damian, an amazingly good Spanish restaurant in Quito, with two companeros, one of whom was a former chief adviser to the President Rafael Correa now working for the government on how to revise the procedures and update the judicial system and the other a former communications and policy adviser …

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