Starbucks Signals a Change in SEIU’s Organizing Strategy

Labor Organizing Organizing Starbucks

San Pedro Sula           Workers at three Starbucks stores in the Buffalo area successfully petitioned the NLRB for elections as part of the SEIU’s Service Workers Union.  The company fought ferociously, and it’s a long way from over, but the results of the first elections are now in.  The union won in one store outright by more than 2 …

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Workers’ Wages Rising

Financial Justice History Ideas and Issues Labor Organizing National Politics

 New Orleans      We can’t seem to get Congress to read the memo and increase the federal minimum wage, but in almost every other way, workers’ wages seem on the rise, and the signs are everywhere.             Kellogg workers after two months on strike still voted down a tentative, five-year contract with the company.  Not enough money with their …

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