Pearl River For you to understand why House Resolution 127 passed in the recent session of the Louisiana legislature, as submitted by State Representative Matthew Willard, creating the Louisiana Contraflow Task Force is important, you first have to understand what contraflow is and recognize that in a world of potential climate and related disasters, …
Category: Louisiana
Shots Firing! Is it Every Worker for Themselves?
May 28, 2022 Buffalo River Every Friday our union staff gets together on a group conference call to compare notes, count the numbers, and collaborate on problems in our various offices and units across Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. Our most recent call was missing Toney Orr, our field director, so I was presiding. …
Hospital Pricing Transparency, Not!
New Orleans The weather forecast included both thundershowers and a tornado warning, but when asked if we should go ahead with the often scheduled and postponed press conference to release our study on hospital pricing transparency, the decision was easy: go! So, there we were in front of Ochsner-Baptist Hospital, a major unit …