The Interesting Transition from Ideological Argument to Personal Contact

ACORN International Citizen Wealth Community Organizing Financial Justice Labor Organizing Organizing

Berlin   Visiting with political and labor organizers and activists of all stripes in Germany was fascinating and for me, an education. It was impressive to see the deep, lifelong commitments that so many have made individually to progressive work that permeates down to their living conditions. Similar to France and the United Kingdom, people often …

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Dutch Fight to Take Health Care Away from Private Insurers

ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Health Care International Organizing

Brussels   What is the old saying? Something like, I’ve seen the future and it is in the Netherlands at least when we are talking about the inevitable fight to come someday in the United States to seize control of our national health care programs from big health care insurers. On the way between Germany and …

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